Mining Consulting Services

Engaging with Whittle Consulting follows a recommended sequence of interaction, achieving a more holistic understanding of your mining project or operation.

Watch the Services Timeframe video for details of our services and the typical delivery timeframes.

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Introductory Webinar or Executive Presentation

45-60 minutes

An introductory presentation providing a high-level overview of the Whittle Integrated Strategic Planning approach, and the content covered in the seminar. The introductory session is available to watch via prerecorded WEBINAR or can be delivered to your team live via Zoom upon request.


12 hours (combination of self-paced learning modules & live sessions)

Learn the philosophy, methodology and application of the Whittle Consulting Integrated Strategic Planning approach via a combination of online interactive self-paced learning modules and live discussion sessions. As many concepts are counter-intuitive, it is ideal for senior managers from across the business to participate together. This creates a valuable framework for cross-functional collaboration. Attendance is often the final step in deciding whether to embark on a Whittle Enterprise Optimisation study, or the first step in doing it.

Opportunity Assessment

1-3 weeks

An Opportunity Assessment will determine the potential benefit you are likely to achieve with a Whittle Enterprise Optimisation. This includes identifying your:

  • Bottlenecks
  • Value Drivers
  • Applicable Mechanisms

This assessment also provides an estimate of the potential NPV uplift and mine valuation increase likely to be achieved with a Whittle Enterprise Optimisation.

Enterprise Optimisation (EO)

4-6 months

A comprehensive study of the mining project or operation including data collection, analysis, modelling and application of Whittle’s mining optimisation techniques.

  • Month 1 – Base case
    An audit of your existing pit, phase or underground mine design, current mine schedules, cut-off grades and stockpiling policies and existing processing and production/commercial assumptions.
  • Month 2 – Optimised case
    An optimised case is developed by simultaneously applying the 10 Steps of a Whittle Enterprise Optimisation model. This determines what the ore body and system are capable of, in terms of generating increased stakeholder value and improved mine valuation.
  • Month 3 – Preparing the business for the future
    A variety of mining scenarios are explored to reflect different future market conditions, test alternative technologies, consider different scaling/staging options and important sustainability criteria (water, carbon, tailings etc). This creates a new level of operational agility; preparing the business for future changes to market conditions, technologies and business contexts.

New Life of Mine Plan

Services Timeframe Video


45 minutes

A high-level overview of the counter-intuitive mining concepts in Whittle Consulting’s unique approach to mine optimisation.

*By arrangement, this webinar can also be held as an Executive Presentation.


4 x half days

Learn the philosophy, methodology and application of Whittle Consulting’s Integrated Strategic Planning in a non-technical, live and interactive format. As many concepts are counter-intuitive, it is ideal for senior managers from across the business to participate together. This creates a valuable framework for cross-functional collaboration.

Strategic Assessment OR Operational Assessment

3 weeks

A Strategic assessment (for new projects) or an Operational assessment (for existing mines) will determine the potential benefit you are likely to achieve with an Enterprise Optimisation. This includes identifying your:

  • value drivers
  • bottlenecks improvements and
  • quick wins

This assessment also provides an estimate of the potential NPV uplift and mine valuation increase likely to be achieved with a Whittle Enterprise Optimisation.

Activity based costing (ABC)

2-3 weeks (if required)

A detailed and responsive cost model is a prerequisite for success. Via a series of workshops across the business, the activity based costing (ABC):

  • Identifies key activities
  • Their respective cost drivers
  • The proportion of fixed vs variable costs
  • The main constraints (bottlenecks)

This cost model will accurately reflect the cause-and-effect relationship between the objects within your mining system.

Enterprise Optimisation (EO)

3-4 months

A comprehensive study of the mining project or operation including data collection, analysis, modelling and application of Whittle’s mining optimisation techniques.

  • Month 1 – Base case
    An audit of your existing pit, phase or underground mine design, current mine schedules, cut-off grades and stockpiling policies and existing processing and production/commercial assumptions.

  • Month 2 – Optimised case
    An optimised cased is developed by applying the 10 steps of a whittle enterprise optimisation model simultaneously to determine what the ore body and system are capable of, in terms of generating increased stakeholder value and improved mine valuation.

  • Month 3 – Preparing the business for the future
    A variety of mining scenarios is explored to reflect different future market conditions, test alternative technologies, consider different scaling/staging options and important sustainability criteria (water, carbon, tailings etc). This creates a new level of operational agility; preparing the business for future changes to market conditions, technologies and business contexts.

Our Alliance Partners

Whittle Consulting has developed a worldwide network of Alliance Partners. These organisations can assist with the design and advice of KPI, management reporting and information systems, implementation support and ongoing review and assessment. These services are designed to supplement the mining optimisation activities achieved for your mining business by Whittle Consulting.